What is homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a type of alternative medicine whose practitioners believe in treating the person as a whole, not just as a set of symptoms. We use highly diluted and succussed (agitated) natural substances to stimulate the body's own healing processes. Homeopathy is gentle, non-toxic, and generally safe for all individuals when under the supervision of a trained homeopath.
What happens when I schedule a chronic intake appointment?
When we start working together, our first session will be about two hours long. During this time, we’ll discuss every aspect of your health and overall wellbeing so I can get a full understanding of your situation. Afterward, I’ll take some time to carefully analyze everything we’ve discussed and select one homeopathic remedy that best matches your entire symptom picture. We’ll then meet again about every 4 weeks to check how you’re responding to the remedy and make any adjustments if needed. Once your healing is well on its way, we can start spacing out appointments to every 6 weeks or so.
What can I expect to happen when I take a chronic homeopathic remedy?
When you start taking a chronic remedy, you can expect one of four things to happen:
1. Your symptoms start improving. Sometimes this happens quickly, sometimes it happens more slowly. We should trust our body’s innate wisdom in prioritizing what to heal first.
2. You get a slight aggravation of your existing symptoms. Sometimes your body is so eager to jump-start healing when it gets the right remedy, and it will go “all in” too quickly. Believe it or not, it’s a good sign when this happens! It tells your homeopath that the remedy is the right one to stimulate a change in those symptoms, but the posology (how it’s delivered) needs to be adjusted.
3. You develop new symptoms. These are called “proving” symptoms and are caused when the remedy is not a good match for your symptom picture. Symptoms are typically mild and of short duration. We do our best to avoid this situation, and the occurrence is rare when being treated by a classically trained homeopath, as long as you are open and forthcoming with your entire symptom picture. We are only as good as the information we’re given!
4. Nothing. Very rarely, nothing shifts. This is typically due to “maintaining causes,” (things maintaining your illness) or “obstacles to cure” (lifestyle factors standing in the way of you getting better).
I looked up my remedy and I have some concerns.
It's important to understand that conducting a brief online search for the remedy I've recommended may provide only superficial and generalized information. Each remedy is incredibly complex, with entire books dedicated to its nuances, and there are nearly 8,000 known remedies in homeopathy. The process of selecting a remedy involves extensive education and analysis, which only a qualified homeopathic practitioner can undertake. I encourage you to ask questions, and I'll strive to provide clarity tailored to your individual case. Remember - you don’t have to have all the symptoms of the remedy, but the remedy should cover most of your symptoms.
How many remedies will I need to take?
Many people today are quite ill and have had some level of suppressive experiences, medications, and interventions that can further complicate disease processes and pathology. Because of this overall weaker baseline for many clients, our work in chronic care is long term and we often need to move through a series of more than one remedy to bring you to a stronger level of health overall. I do this in a very methodical and thoughtful way in my practice. However, in classical homeopathy, we practice just one well-indicated remedy at a time.
What is classical homeopathy vs. protocols or ‘practical’ homeopathy?
Classical homeopathy uses the traditional method of homeopathy which recommends one well-indicated, INDIVIDUALIZED remedy based on the law of similars. This means that your entire case is taken into consideration and one remedy is selected to address as many aspects of your case as possible. It is based on hundreds of years of practice and the original works of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the inventor of homeopathy. It also has a lot of research to support its methods.
Protocol or “practical” homeopathy is not based on homeopathic principles, and is, therefore, not truly homeopathy. It uses an allopathic approach (certain remedies for named conditions - such as Arsenicum album for eczema) and fails to consider the unique aspects of the person’s case. It is, in my opinion, reckless and dangerous, and can be suppressive in the same ways that pharmaceutical treatment can be. Protocols can really muddy a case and tend to cause more problems in the long run.
If you've fallen prey to practitioners who claim you can treat chronic diseases yourself at home with minimal training, be prepared if your new classical homeopath suggests a "remedy vacation" for three to six months. This break allows the protocols to clear your system before starting treatment.
What are combo or blended remedies?
Blended homeopathic remedies combine several commonly used remedies for specific therapeutic needs, such as colic or migraines. While the remedies themselves are prepared in a homeopathic manner, this approach differs from traditional homeopathy. While these blends may offer temporary solutions, they lack the depth of individualized care. From a medical perspective, it's akin to using a broad-spectrum antibiotic before identifying the specific strain of bacteria. While there's hope that one of the remedies will help, there's no personalized analysis or management, and your chances of developing secondary symptoms are higher. Blends are best for short-term acute issues when there is no access to individualized options or guidance. However, relying on blends can compromise the integrity of homeopathy.
What is your stance on vaccination?
I encourage all individuals to make informed choices and educated decisions. I recommend reading research from multiple sources, and never blindly trusting any practitioner or physician with your health decisions. Your health is ultimately YOUR responsibility. I will not discuss or assist in vaccination decisions with clients, though it can be helpful for my general analysis to know vaccination status.
When will I start feeling better?
In an acute situation, you should start noticing positive changes within a few hours. In chronic care, it may take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. This is dependent on your case complexity, history of suppression, level of sensitivity, vitality, and lifestyle factors.
What homeopathic pharmacies do you recommend?
I’ve had good experiences with:
Helios Homeopathy - although based in the UK, I find their prices to be the best (even after shipping!), and they’ve got great kits and resources. Shipping time may take longer for larger orders or when ordering certain remedies that pique the interest of customs. They have a great selection of both acute and chronic remedies.
Hahnemann Labs - based in California, shipping times are generally pretty quick, although shipping can be expensive. They have a great selection of both acute and chronic remedies.
Olloîs - based in France, they offer very good prices on their remedies. Although selection is limited, this company focuses on sustainability and offers lactose-free homeopathic pellets. They are certified organic, kosher, and have bio-sourced recyclable tubes. They are a good source of acute remedies.
Do I have to quit my pharmaceutical medications?
Since pharmaceutical medications are chemical medicine, and homeopathy is energetic medicine, the two should not be contraindicated. However, you may find that you need less pharmaceutical interventions after homeopathic treatment, so it is important that you work with your medical provider to adjust your prescriptions as needed. Wisdom Homeopathy does not advise clients on changing or quitting pharmaceutical medications.
Can I use other modalities alongside homeopathy?
Yes! Bodywork modalities are often very supportive of healing. Such modalities include massage, chiropractic, craniosacral, Bowen therapy, fascia work, etc. It is not recommended to combine Ayurveda or acupuncture with homeopathic treatment, as they can have similar actions and can affect the body’s response to homeopathic remedies.